Hello, everybody, my name is Elliot Falinksi. I'm an RA here at Court 17. If you're wondering about the address, 1717 Market Street. So just before we go inside some of the kind of local amenities, just right across the street is the student Y, YMCA. And about two blocks down, you'll have the swimming pool for the YMCA. So it is a kind of two building YMCA in the middle of downtown Tacoma. It has a rock wall, full gym, track and meeting space. So anything you want to do, the Y can probably help you there. So let's just head inside.
-where you want to go and attend social events. We have the wall currently nothing though, once events start getting posted and rolling out. You'll see them all here and you can find out by them right there. As well as the front desk. So if you have to have a package if you ever need something to get, front desk can help you out. And coming up here we have some special amenities. Ccurrently empty, we do have a vending machine. But more importantly, we do have a store. So although mainly snacks, it does host some nice food, breakfast, dinner lunch options. A few nice amenities at the very end. Once you have everything you'd like to buy, you just come here, login, swipe your card, or cash. And that's it, you can go back to your room and enjoy what you like.
So coming back here, a nice note. All the rooms or all the wings do have a trash room. So at the very end, you'll have your trash room, you just right before the corner will trash room, head inside, you can toss all of your trash and recycle there. Coming in, we do have a multipurpose room. Just nice for meetings. If you're ever working on student projects. If you don't want to stay on campus or campus closing, you can come here have that nice mirror you can erase and do equations. A lot of the kind of math engineering students in STEM students love doing equations on there. And here we also have some games, you can get them out at the front desk, such as Scrabble, battleship and UW-opoly, not related to Monopoly.
As well as the front office. So if you ever need some serious questions, or all that Ramone and Ryan can help you out. Two wonderful folks here who helped run Court 17. Coming into this area, we do have the elevators heading up to all five student floors, including floor one and heading down to the three levels of parking garage we have parking is not free, though, it is fairly cheap, to the alternative of just keeping your car in the middle of downtown Tacoma. There's also security you have to have a key card which is accessed by living here. So for the secure parking, which is nice. As well as the mailroom any room gets their mail in the same one. So if there's multiple people in it, you can kind of just talk to each other. See if you'd like to keep your email in there, or everyone just kind of brings up the mail as a mail-day.
Coming in to the community lounge, you have a nice full kitchen, free to anyone. So if you're having student work over, you can just kind of hang out here if you don't want to go to your room, as well as a fireplace TV, and most importantly a printer. So any teacher that eventually does want printed work, you can just bring your own paper as we do not supply paper. So it's just right there ready to use. Coming outside to the patio, we have first off a lovely day. in Tacoma, you can kind of see most of the city some of it is blocked by the trees, as well as to stairwells accessing the outside. So making campus just a two-to-five minute walk away for all of your classes, as well as access to the three levels of parking garage once again. So if you're just kind of in some of the closer rooms and you don't want to take the elevator is just a short walk away.
And thank you once again for watching and thinking about choosing Court 17. I hope you enjoyed all of the amenities that we had to offer. And I just wanted to say thank you for watching and have a good day